If you haven’t already fallen in love with hexies, you just might with this oversized hexie lap quilt project. I have to admit I have been wanting to make a quilt for many years now. I have ogled many beautiful designs on Pinterest and built up my fabric stash, longing for the day when I will finally sit down and put a quilt together.
After seeing Haley’s tutorial I feel like I could just jump right into making this project. Especially with the large scale, it doesn’t seem as fiddly as some of the small hexie projects I’ve seen.
Her tutorial uses the English paper piecing technique. For those who are unfamiliar with this crafting term, it utilizes a paper template (of a hexagon) to keep your fabric in a precise shape until you are ready to sew it all together. Very clever!
Head on over to Haley’s blog, The Zen of Making for this fabulous step-by-step tutorial.