The same great mind that brought you the Snooki pumpkin is back with yet another brilliant pop culture Halloween masterpiece. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Honey Boo Boo pumpkin tutorial from Alexa at The Swell Life!
If you haven’t redneckognized it already, I love me some Honey Boo Boo Child! I think she’s the best thing since sliced bread and an amazingly funny little gal. I really do think Alana’s the cutest and spunkiest little girl I’ve seen in a while (well, since Snooki anyway, LOL). Since, I also love to make pumpkins, I had to put the two together for this fabulous glitz and glamour pumpkin. If there was an award for pumpkins, I would like it to win the Ultimate Grand Supreme title!
Ready to make your own? Drink your Go-Go Juice, then click here.
In the mood for something a little less, er, gaudy? Check out Alexa’s pumpkin decorating roundup, which has 30 fun pumpkin decorating ideas, including typography, glitter, mustaches, and the crayon drip pumpkin above!