Since this is blinky ALERT LEVEL RED week, we’re giving everyone a special treat from the pages of CRAFT – Here’s how to make an LED shirt, you could make just about design and pattern, you know like an Aqua Teen Hunger Force LED Ignignokt Mooninite. In fact, if you make one and you’re the first, we’ll give something awesome from the Maker store!
We know that by adding just a ‘lil bit of simple technology to your sewing skills, it will be worth in the end when your lighting up the streets with your cool wares. Featured in CRAFT: 01 was the “The Electric Tank Top” where you can make a fashionable tank with any pattern you wish.
From the pages of CRAFT:
From our Projects section:
Fashion designer Diana Eng has a tutorial up on Gizmodo with a close up view of how to sew LEDs into your clothing. Link.
Designer Syuzi Pakhchyan of Sparklab taught one of the top workshops at our Maker Faire last year on how to make her Wearable Light Bracelet. Here’s the PDF of her project so you can make one for yourself. Link.