How-To: Longboard Deck From Popsicle Sticks - Make: How-To: Longboard Deck From Popsicle Sticks - Make:

How-To: Longboard Deck From Popsicle Sticks

Craft & Design


Popsicle sticks are about as crafty as it gets when it comes to materials, so it caught my eye when Sean over at MAKE posted this Popsicle Stick Longboard project by Instructables user nsnip.

I have wanted to make a longboard deck for some time, however I was having trouble finding cheap veneers. I started thinking about using popsicle sticks to construct my own veneers instead. Popsicle sticks are made from baltic birch, which is used to make wooden aircraft so I thought It might work for a longboard as well. Here’s what I did.

This project is pretty much a metaphor for my entire Southern California childhood.

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes.

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