How-To: Needlepoint Nintendo DS Case - Make: How-To: Needlepoint Nintendo DS Case - Make:

How-To: Needlepoint Nintendo DS Case

Craft & Design

CRAFT: Geek Crafts

A few years ago I made this needlepoint plastic canvas Nintendo DS case for a friend’s birthday. It was back in the early days of the CRAFT site and since it’s Geek Crafts month, I though the project needed to come back from the archives. Let me first say that this photo was taken before I got my Nikon D40 and if my friend still lived in SF and not Portland now, I would be over at his house to take new photos right away!
The project was originally a Craftster project by Rosemary Travale that I modified. I made it in in about a week while watching TV at night. (So perfect to do now as all the new fall TV shows are premiering. Yay!) I included a PDF file of the needlepoint chart that includes line numbers so you can easily recreate a vintage style Nintendo controller for your modern Nintendo DS!
Check out the Needlepoint Nintendo DS Case project

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