Making a pair of embroidered leather shoes might not be the most practical project for your average do-it-at-home crafter, but the step-by-step guide for making and embroidering a pair of custom leather shoes that Marna Jean shared on StitchPunk is absolutely awesome!
Well Marna Jean aka Wickedstepmother1969 has outdone me today, because she had the same thought, but instead of sitting here daydreaming, she went out and learned how to make her own shoes!
Yup, you read that right. Something most of us only picture being made by elves in the dead of night, she went out and learned how to do. Being able to make her own shoes also meant she could pre-embroider them, so she could add any stitched decoration she liked! Marna joins us today to share a very thorough walk-through on just how she made these shoes, and all the interesting challenges along the way.
Check out complete—and downright fascinating—shoe-making process over on StitchPunk!