How Denim Jeans Are Made - Make: How Denim Jeans Are Made - Make:

How Denim Jeans Are Made

Craft & Design Yarncraft
How Denim Jeans Are Made

Do you know what’s involved in making the pair of jeans you’re wearing right now? This fascinating video shows how WeSC brand denim jeans are made, from workers cutting thick stacks of denim material wearing metal mesh gloves, to expert machine stitching, to stonewashing, to drying and scraping, to adding rivets and labels.
Videos that show how something’s made in a factory always remind me of that feature on Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, where they visit the crayon factory, or the trumpet factory.
A Visit to the DMC Embroidery Floss Factory in France

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"To oppose something is to maintain it." –Ursula Le Guin

Currently: NEO.LIFE Alum: Instructables and MAKE

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