I’ve been to a few costume-rich conventions in my time and I’ve always loved seeing the custom costumes that people make. Halo armor is one of the most popular options for a custom build and when done right can be amazing. When I came across this build by Lil Tyrant I loved the attention to detail and craftsmanship involved.
The suit is made from layered EVA foam with an under suit made from stretchy cotton, mesh, and marine vinyl. It was painted with Plasti-Dip and acrylic paints and all pieces were built freehand from scratch. The build took approximately 9 months on and off to complete and cost about $300 in raw materials.
I spoke with the woman behind this masterpiece, known as Lil Tyrant, and she told me about how she got into building custom Halo Armor:
I studied and work in the product design field and grew up with a lot of exposure to creative projects. From drawing and sculpting to model rockets and homemade Halloween costumes, making has always been an important part of my family, friendships, and life. The Kat armor project started when I spontaneously got the urge to build a suit of armor and stumbled across www.405th.com. All the great armor builds were so inspiring that I couldn’t resist making my own. Armor felt like an ambitious project that combines so many things I love about making: building, painting, pattern making, and sewing (plus the added ergonomic challenge of making it mobile and comfortable). It was a lot of hard work, but definitely a ton of fun!
+More information on the full build can be found here and check out Lil Tyrant’s Facebook page for updates on the Kat armor and other costumes.