iPod Touch Fleece Blanket Made by 7th and 8th Graders

Craft & Design Yarncraft

Teacher Anne Karsten shares this iPod Touch fleece blanket project made by her 7th and 8th graders. In her write up, Anne explains the creative and technical process for the creation of this fabulous project.
Anne writes:

The project is an attempt to use the vernacular of these young adults — the fleece they’ve been dressed in since childhood combined with the technology they’re immersed in now — to craft a meaningful and functional keepsake. The blanket was auctioned as a school fundraiser…
An important first part was the introduction; I gave the students a crash course in 2-d design, and we looked at a large number of commercial logos and iPhone apps that featured simplified shapes and only a few colors. Along with those visuals, the students saw a number of cut paper works by Henri Matisse – a good parallel can be drawn between the way he worked with paper and how the students might eventually cut their solid-color fabrics. The students were then given app-shaped templates to draw on, and the task of representing a favorite school memory in a simple, graphic way. Each student also designed a home screen icon that represented a favorite characteristic of the school. Students worked in the media of their choice, and results were submitted in color pencil, cut paper, watercolor, oil pastel, and paint.

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