Just a friendly reminder to those of you who are polishing up your entries for the Gadget Freak Design Contest: The deadline is tonight at 11:59 PM California time. The grand prize is $1000 cash and a free storefront in Makers Market. When you enter, be sure to upload finished or in-process project shots or video to the contest Flickr pool!
- Not fooling around LED flashlight retrofit
- Portable automated greenhouse
- How-To: Retrofit a Magic 8-Ball with an OLED display
- DIY server room monitoring
- How-To: Build a star-tracker for your camera
- Kits & Kitmakers: Al Linke’s DIY Magic Mirror
- Kits & Kitmakers: Andrew Argyle’s Sputnik I Nixie Clock
- Kits & Kitmakers: Doug Jackson’s DIY Word Clock
- Sonodrome: Inspiring entrepreneurship in hobby electronics
- Variable-terrain putting green
- 3D LED Tic-tac-toe