The LIFE photo archive hosted by Google has a ton of lovely gems, here are a few I found that I really liked – all through a “MAKE” filter…
The contents assiting the Atomic Energy chemistry set.
Location: US
Date taken: September 1948
Photographer: Martha Holmes
Science As A Party Game
Author Kenneth Swezey (L) blowing pinch of cornstarch into candle flame to show how dust carried in the air can explode & destroy factories or coal mines as fans watch this experiment fr. his new bk. AFTER-DINNER SCIENCE.
Location: US
Date taken: October 1948
Photographer: George Silk
Science Fair.
Location: Cleveland, OH, US
Date taken: March 1958
Photographer: Andreas Feininger
A woman tool maker assembling a Buffalo machine gun.
Location: US
Date taken: 1943
Photographer: Wallace Kirkland
Chair maker working in shop.
Location: Damascus, Syria
Date taken: 1943
Photographer: John Phillips
Sixth grade science teacher Mildred Vance teaching a TV class.
Location: Hagerstown, MD, US
Date taken: November 1956
Photographer: Peter Stackpole
Leaping rubber explosively created from butadiene gas in bottle as demonstrated by M.I.T.’s Dr. A. Morton.
Location: US
Date taken: 1952
Photographer: W. Eugene Smith
Jr. Science Convention
Date taken: May 05, 1950
Photographer: Bernard Hoffman
Hopkins Science Show
Date taken: February 1952
Photographer: Mark Kauffman
Students conducting experiments in chemistry class at the Montevideo Highshool.
Location: Montevideo, Uruguay
Date taken: 1941
Photographer: Hart Preston
Life like models for use in science and health lectures manufactured at Cologne Health Museum.
Location: Cologne, Germany
Date taken: February 1955
Photographer: Ralph Crane
Folk singer John Jacob Niles (R) and cabinet maker Harry Mefford giving finishing touches to a new dulcimer. It will not be ready to play until it has “hung” for two or three years.
Location: Lexington, KY, US
Date taken: March 1943
Photographer: Alfred Eisenstaedt
Pirate robot in a new Disneyland ride called “Pirates of the Caribbean.”
Location: CA, US
Date taken: 1967
Photographer: Ralph Crane
Fresno’s Sunnyside Bowl-Bowling Alley.
Location: Fresno, CA, US
Date taken: 1961
Photographer: J. R. Eyerman
Cal. Tech chemistry professor, Dr. Linus Pauling, with his mineral collection.
Location: CA, US
Date taken: 1954
Photographer: J. R. Eyerman