Maker Faire: King of fling contests - Make: Maker Faire: King of fling contests - Make:

Maker Faire: King of fling contests

Craft & Design
Maker Faire: King of fling contests

King Of Fling
As anybody who has ever built a catapult knows, there’s something special about machines that hurl. This year, Maker Faire features the King of Fling Catapult Contest.

Two hurling events are planned. The first is called the English Battle. Based on the King Edward I’s siege of Stirling Castle in 1304, catapult makers compete in a test of accuracy and distance.

The second King of Fling event is the Chinese Battle. It was inspired by the catapult artillery used in the battle of Xiang
Yang in 1268 AD. Teams will toss water balloons at their opponents as Makers vie for catapult supremacy. Bai fā bai zhòng! (Shoot with unfailing accuracy!)

Registration information is available at Link.

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