Building a jet engine is a childhood dream for gearhead geeks. Come see how Sparky Jewell lives that dream as an adult. He’s a multi-disciplined artist whose current focus is metal and fire sculpture, working with welded metals and electro-mechanical systems. His work ranges from the large and in your face heat from giant flame effects to small and intricate sculptures. Junkyard Jet! is a technology study about using fire for propulsion as well as an effect. At the Maker Faire, Sparky will describe how he built a single-stage jet turbine built from junkyard turbo chargers and pharmacutical surplus. He’ll also be discussing basic principles, design decisions, tinkering features, hazards, and resources. He will do periodic demonstrations throughout the day both days so bring marshmallows!
The Maker Faire is May 19 & 20 at the San Mateo Fairgrounds. Get your tickets in advance now, avoid the lines and save a few bucks.