Inspired by the Kaoss Pad and monome music controller/interfaces, Alexander Randon created the Kaossonome
The Kaossonome is my first electronic music controller design. It interfaces the musician via a touchscreen, resting on top of a 256 LED matrix, and eight rotary encoders with pushâ€buttons, four on opposite sides of the LED matrix. Enclosed within an aluminum front panel, a dark wooden frame, and a clear Plexiglas back panel, the controller is protected from external forces and is less than an inch thick. The touchscreen can be controlled with either a finger or a stylus and the knobs are consistent, tight in place, and toggle with ease. The Kaossonome powers and transmits serial data over USB.
The device can generate either MIDI or OSC messages used host software based on ArduinomeSerial, and can fully emulate a monome256. Source files forthcoming.