Midi Concertina - Make: Midi Concertina - Make:

Midi Concertina

Midi Concertina


Midi Concertina

Check out this midi concertina made with a pic microcontroller.

I researched concertina building — but only for a couple of hours. It took just that long to see that such a project (valves, reeds, bellows…) is WAY beyond my ambition.

Then in one of those “sychronicity” epiphanies, a lot of things at once suggested another approach: 1) My son, the NYU Jazz major, exposed me to MIDI technology. 2) A work buddy enthused about learning Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) programming. 3) I ran across Jordan Petkov’s excellent site on building simple MIDI controllers using PICs.
[via] – Link

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