NEWS FROM THE FUTURE - Tech Companies Mum On Factory Audits - Make: NEWS FROM THE FUTURE - Tech Companies Mum On Factory Audits - Make:

NEWS FROM THE FUTURE – Tech Companies Mum On Factory Audits

Computers & Mobile Craft & Design
NEWS FROM THE FUTURE – Tech Companies Mum On Factory Audits

News From The Future-9

Tech Companies Mum On Factory Audits @ Buzzfeed. John Herrman wrote to the gadget makers out there…

Under immense pressure, Apple decided to let independent auditors into its suppliers’ factories. So we asked other companies: Will you do the same?

It’s a simple question, phrased politely, and sent to the right people. Does your company have any plans to let independent auditors check up on your suppliers’ factories? Here’s what I got from some of the world’s biggest electronics companies. They had a month to respond:

This is a follow up to my previous post “NEWS FROM THE FUTURE – Factory Audits Becomes a Feature“. I think the massive maker community could help put the pressure on these companies as well. Makers tend to care about the origin of things, how they’re made and by who. We’re also willing to a pay a few bucks more if it’s made better, lasts longer and is repairable – and most of all, I think we care about the conditions in which something is made. At some point an agreed upon indicator will sought after by more and more customers, right now Apple is leading they way, they’re the easy target being #1 in a few arenas – and they’re turning this to the standard that other gadget makers may be held to.

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