Hi there Crafters!
Thanks to all of you who sent in your amazing paper tags for our Crafty Tag Contest. We’re heading into the home stretch of finishing up Craft: 05, our paper issue, and it was fun to take some time off of editing to look at all kinds of different tags. We saw block print tags, collaged tags, letterpress tags, handmade paper tags, modern tags, retro tags. We saw tags from all over the USA and all over the world. The creativity involved in all of them was incredible, and we could only marvel at how lucky all the buyers of your various crafty goods are to open a package decorated with one of your tags! It was really hard to narrow it down to six winners, but we finally did, and here they are:
Patricia Zapata, alittlehut.com
Lisa Jordan, lilfishstudios.com
Kate Nydam, nydampress.etsy.com
Emma Beddard, madebythem.etsy.com
Gen Dalio, generalgen.blogspot.com
Lisa Willis, musings.willis-illustration.com
The winners will each receive a free CRAFT T-shirt and a mention in our Curio section in volume 05.
Thanks, everyone!