Jenny Ryan is an artist, crafter, and maker of things. She lives in Los Angeles with a pack of various animals (including her husband) and writes about her adventures in creating at Exit Through the Thrift Shop.
Evil Mad Scientist shows you how to turn a whole bunch of empty candy and food containers into playful yet functional fridge magnets. [via] Link.
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Jenny Ryan is an artist, crafter, and maker of things. She lives in Los Angeles with a pack of various animals (including her husband) and writes about her adventures in creating at Exit Through the Thrift Shop.
When I post a photo on my fridge, I don't really want the magnet to steal attention away from the photo. So I have these tiny square rare-earth magnets (super strong) that I just place along the photo edge somewhere, where they don't draw attention to themselves. However… I think…
Brian at Geek Crafts made his own Tetris fridge magnets using very few store-bought materials for such a fun fridge/whiteboard activity. He put up a detailed tutorial so you can make them, too! Related: Needlepoint Tetris Fridge Magnets
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