Besides being a gifted engineer and writer, adafruit blogger John de Cristofaro is a talented photographer. Of this beautiful black-and-white “smoking iron” print, he writes:
This is an idea I’ve been kicking around for awhile — I’ve wanted to do a photograph which captured what I think of when I think of makers, and which makers themselves would enjoy as a work.
All of us started the same way — as curious kids (maybe big kids). At first, most of us were following in the path of someone else — along what feels like a straight, well-defined line. But there’s a point where things start to diverge, and we go off and do our own thing. That’s what making is all about, and that’s what I tried to capture here.
He’s not selling them, yet, but gauging interest in a print run in this comments thread over at adafruit. The price, he says, “would be no more than $30/print and would include a custom matte,” with a portion of the proceeds going to charity.
“Symbolism aside,” he adds, “I just dig this image.”
So do I, John. Sign me up.