These photos remind me of just how much little babies sleep! Using artfully arranged blankets, the carpeted floor, and her baby’s propensity to sleep all the time, Mila’s mom Adele (Helsinki, Finland) stages imagined dreamscapes for her daughter on her blog, Mila’s Daydreams. The tagline on her blog is “I’d like to see your dreams, my little girl.” I can tell she has so much fun doing this!
From a wolf hiding in a forest to a mushroom-dotted Smurf village, her styling and photography combine to create beautiful scenes. It’s as if she is painting with the fabrics. There are some great details. I think the wolf’s eye is a green votive candle, and the stars in the La Petite Princesse photo (after the jump) are lemons, it looks like. Click on the jump to see more images.