They’re every where, they’re cheap – they can be dangerously “fun”. Things to do with disposable cameras!
Booby-trapped Magic 8 Ball, turn it over and FLASH!
Here’s a simple, but powerful, coil gun made from the flash circuit of a disposable camera, a large cap, a coil of magnet wire and an ink pen shaft (and a few other parts).
Homemade Strobe Photography. Take high speed photos! Before you take apart a single-use camera, you need to know that there is a large electrolytic capacitor inside the camera. See the instructions in MAKE 04, pages 109 and 110, for how to disassemble the camera. Above, the set up and a balloon being popped!
Stunning camera! Chris at Pyroelectro made this highly detailed tutorial on how to modify a single use camera to shock its user when they try to take a picture. Dirty trick, so please be careful.