Really cheap homemade DIY photo studio - Make: Really cheap homemade DIY photo studio - Make:

Really cheap homemade DIY photo studio

Craft & Design
Really cheap homemade DIY photo studio

Cheap Studio 03
Udi sent in a super-cheap photo studio – “So, you want to start your own homemade studio but you are totally broke and you want it to be cheap. Actually, being cheap is your prime demand from this studio. You don’t need no external fancy lighting or strobes. You just want to try out some still life photography, or you need take some shots for eBay. So this article is just for you. Here is what I have to offer for about 1-3 USD. This studio utilizes a huge soft box and a background. But before we start lets see some of the prime requirements from a studio. We want to get even light, with good shadow management and a smooth background that will not distract from our main subject.”Link.

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