Refashion Colorful Denim into a Gorgeous Upcycled Jeans Quilt - Make: Refashion Colorful Denim into a Gorgeous Upcycled Jeans Quilt - Make:

Refashion Colorful Denim into a Gorgeous Upcycled Jeans Quilt

Craft & Design Yarncraft
Refashion Colorful Denim into a Gorgeous Upcycled Jeans Quilt

Refashion Colorful Denim into a Gorgeous Upcycled Jeans Quilt

If you’ve got colorful old or outgrown denim taking up room in your closet—or access to a good thrift store or flea market—you can turn that unused fabric yardage into a durable one-of-a-kind blanket that your whole family will want to use! If you love your Levi’s, you’ll definitely want to add this gorgeous upcycled jeans quilt to your to-make list.

Refashion Colorful Denim into a Gorgeous Upcycled Jeans Quilt

I’m so impressed by how beautifully this quilt turned out, and I’m delighted by the challenge of creating a color palette of simple yet bold color block stripes within the limitations of your closet/local garage sales/second-hand stores. It looks like such a fun project!

I could picture how this quilt would turn out in my mind, but the color palette was in the thrift store’s hands. I used 16 pairs of old pants (some thrifted, some my own), and I couldn’t be more thrilled with how it turned out.

Feeling inspired to stitch? (I think we probably all are!)

Check out this wonderful upcycled jeans quilt tutorial that Amy from Maker Mama shared on Andrea’s Notebook to see how it’s done.

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Haley Pierson-Cox from Red-Handled Scissors is a maker of crafts, a lover of cats, an avid swearing enthusiast, a cross-stitch book author, and a general purveyor of quirk. She's also sometimes an irritable cartoon named Tiny Cranky Haley.

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