My First Sashiko Embroidery Kit - Make: My First Sashiko Embroidery Kit - Make:

My First Sashiko Embroidery Kit

Craft & Design Yarncraft

While I was at the Maker Faire Detroit, I picked up a sweet Japanese embroidery kit from Tadaa Studios. It’s called Sashiko which translates to “little stabs” so it really is the perfect embroidery for me, the chronic needlefelter. The technique involves stacking up stitches on a long needle to create perfect little dashes. The kit I chose includes the pattern printed on lightweight linen, a needle and 6 colors of thread.
Before I got started, I spent some time clicking through the Sashiko Pool on Flickr and I found great inspiration there. My goal is to have this beauty stitched up before my next blog post tomorrow evening so that I can share my results. The sewing is so simple and the design is so engaging that I shouldn’t have any trouble at all- I think the hard part will be deciding what to do with my completed piece!

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