Sony Steals Feature From Your PlayStation 3 - Make: Sony Steals Feature From Your PlayStation 3 - Make:

Sony Steals Feature From Your PlayStation 3

Computers & Mobile Craft & Design
Sony Steals Feature From Your PlayStation 3

Sony Playstation 3
Sony Steals Feature From Your PlayStation 3 @ EFF. Reach in and delete, b00m!

…Sony provided the Other OS feature in order to support IBM’s Cell Project, which produced the PS3’s CPU and made it practical to use PS3 consoles as compute nodes for a scientific supercomputer. The U.S. Army did just that, buying more than 2,000 PS3s to build a supercomputer. Lots of hobbyists also made use of the Other OS feature, using it to write their own games and creatively repurpose their PS3s.

Recently, however, a hobbyist named Geohot announced that he was able to use the Other OS feature along with a bit of soldering in a manner that gave him more control over the PS3 hardware than Sony had intended. Sony responded with the “upgrade” that removes the Other OS feature.

Not an April fools joke, this is actually what all devices are going to do soon.

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