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Strange Things: Artists Making Technology, Technology Making Art

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Shelly from Dorkbot Seattle writes:

We are pleased to announce that the Seattle chapter of Dorkbot, in collaboration with 911 Media Arts Center, opens a new juried art exhibit “Strange Things” with an opening night party on December 8, 2007.
Mark your calendars!
Celebrate the opening night of “Strange Things” with us on Saturday December 8th, 7pm-2am, 21+. We will The opening party for “Strange Things” will be have DJs, VJs, a bar, and one night only installations. Proceeds from bar and door cover (10$) to benefit 911 Media Arts Center.  Wear Electricity, and Bring a Robotic Date! The exhibition opens Saturday, December 8, 2007 and closes January 11, 2008. “Strange Things” web site

More About “Strange Things”:

New and exciting genres of art emerge as artists, scientists and technologists bring together their expertise to push the boundaries of what is possible.
 Dorkbot-sea’s exhibition, People Doing Strange Things with Electricity, showcases innovative trends in modern art by bringing together established and emerging artists who work with electricity in a significant way either in their art, or in its
For the last show in 2005, over 1200 people visited the exhibit during the opening night event. Please see this page for an overview of our last exhibit including a list of artists, and here for pictures.

This year, in addition to showcasing works that in some way involve the use of electricity, we are emphasizing interactivity: art installations that interact with the environment, with participant observers, and with other installations. ” Strange Things” that pique curiosity and inspire a desire to touch. The Dorkbot Overlord Committee, with guest juror Misha Neininger, Executive Director of 911 Media Arts Center, selected over 25 pieces from regional artists. Our focus on interactive electronic projects encompasses a broad range of creative media: art that borders the line between physical and digital art, digital art and experimental media, kinetic sculpture, reactive sculpture, sound and light installations, web-based art, ubiquitous computing…to name a few.

Exhibiting artists:

Accelerator Group  *  Bill Beaty   *  Doug Bell  *  Joe Benner   *  Michele Boland  *  CCRT (LoVid & Douglas Repetto)   *  Rebecca Cummins   *  Scott David   *  Shannon Eakins  *  Leta Evaskus   *  Shelly Farnham  *  Stacey Farrar   *  Dan Greenberg  *  Eunsu Kang  *  Jeff Larson  *  Laura MacCary  *  Lawrence MacCary  *  Mark Malmberg  *  Marcell Marias  *  Mike McCracken  *  Eric McNeill  *  Chris O’Dowd  *  Toby Paddock  &  John Krug  *  Diana Vanderhoef   *  Rolf van Widenfelt * Xander  *                                                                                                                                                  

911 Media Arts Center is located at 402 9th Avenue North at Harrison Street in South Lake Union. Call (206) 682-6552 for directions or visit the web at

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Gareth Branwyn is a freelance writer and the former Editorial Director of Maker Media. He is the author or editor of over a dozen books on technology, DIY, and geek culture. He is currently a contributor to Boing Boing, Wink Books, and Wink Fun. His free weekly-ish maker tips newsletter can be found at

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