USB cell - AA batteries that recharge via USB on your computer - Make: USB cell - AA batteries that recharge via USB on your computer - Make:

USB cell – AA batteries that recharge via USB on your computer

Craft & Design
USB cell – AA batteries that recharge via USB on your computer

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USB cell are rechargeable AA batteries that can be charged from any USB port – I’ve had them for a day or so and they work as expected, exactly like a rechargeable AA, I just don’t need the charger, only my computer – Link.

I use a wireless mouse that needs an AA and also always have a USB charger for my phone, music player, etc. So, I’m pretty happy with the USB cell in the first round of testing. I’ll use them a lot over the next week and report back more.

Here are the specs:

  • Rechargeable AA NiMH Battery 1.2v 1300mah
  • Built in Intelligent Charger
  • Charge by powered USB
  • NiMH – Nickel Metal Hyrdride
  • 90%+ Charged after 5 Hours by powered USB
  • Also rechargeable by approved NiMH charger at 250ma for 7 Hours

$20 USD

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As I was posting this one of our makers from the Flickr pool asked if you could use the USB cells to power a USB charger like the one we sell in the MAKE store – sure can. It’s a little recursive, USB charger batteries for a USB charger… but it works as expected.

If you have any questions about these, please post up in the comments.

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