USB monkey - Make: USB monkey - Make:

USB monkey

Computers & Mobile Craft & Design
USB monkey

From the MAKE Flickr pool
0olong bring us this functional figurine –

Stick his neck in your USB socket and he’ll unload his data at your whim.
A pre-existing USB drive decorated with epoxy putty (a mix of Sylmasta A+B and SuperCarve) plus a couple of beads for eyes.

Flash drives are so affordale now, good to see people taking advantage. –Link

FYI – Epoxy putty is a very durable and versatlie sculpting medium. It can come in handy when mounting small motors and building up forms/structures in projects.
Propoxy20 specs-Link

USB Rubber Ducky
HOW TO – Make a rubber ducky USB flash drive –Link

Lego Flash Drive
LEGO Flash Drive –Link

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