Voyager – A Video Game Made From Wool

Craft & Design Fun & Games
Voyager – A Video Game Made From Wool

“Oh my!” was pretty much my reaction when I came upon this video game made from felted wool, by — appropriately enough — Oh My! Me Studios. Voyager is a fixed shooter similar to Galaga, except your space ship, obstacles (including rotating elephants and purple octopi), and background are all made of felted wool instead of pixels. The faintly scratchy early 20th-century soundtrack enhances the sensation of floating through the various woolen landscapes. Maker Ken Amarit crafted the whole thing himself, from the needle felting, to creating the stop-motion video, to coding the game.

Ken will be at Maker Faire New York this Saturday and Sunday, showing off Voyager and demonstrating his needle felting technique. If you’re in New York this weekend, stop by and say hello!

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"To oppose something is to maintain it." –Ursula Le Guin

Currently: NEO.LIFE Alum: Instructables and MAKE

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