Kristen of Plush You has got a new contest for you called Project Plushway, inspired of course by our favorite TV show “Project Runway”.
Kristen writes:
Because Flickr is such an addiction of mine I thought it might be fun to try and do a photo swap challenge to get myself and perhaps you to think outside the box. This is how I was thinking it would work. You send me an email saying you are up for the challenge at I get all emails organized and then after July 15th I send each person someone else’s email. You then send an email along with a picture of your choice to the email provided. Your photo could be anything (although keep it clean people)! Food, flowers, colors, abstract, etc. Then you make a plush piece that was inspired from that particular photo. Then upload your photo and the one you were inspired by to the plush you flickr group.
Pictured above is robot minions by Andricongirl from the Plush You flickr group. To find out more about Project Plushway visit the Plush You site – Link.