Kristina Lindström and Åsa Ståhl of the Växjö Interactive Institute in Sweden, have created a new project called “Stitching Together”. The project explores the temporary nature of text messages and archives special text notes by hand or machine stitching them onto pieces of fabric that will eventually turn into a quilt.
From the site:
In stitching together we invite you and other text message-users to share text messages and transform them into tangible and physical text messages made out of thread and fabric. We want to make it possible for you to make these intimate, digital treasures longer lasting and stitch together different techniques, different speeds, people of different ages and different usage of communication channels.
In practice, in stitching together, we offer the public to forward one of their private text messages to us and in return they will get their message stitched in fabric. This will be done by hand or by an automatic sewing machine programmed for this specific purpose. To make these stories connect we will make a quilt out of fragments of the text messages.