Ýr Jóhannsdóttir's Vomiting Santa Sweater - Make: Ýr Jóhannsdóttir's Vomiting Santa Sweater - Make:

Ýr Jóhannsdóttir’s Vomiting Santa Sweater

Craft & Design Yarncraft
Ýr Jóhannsdóttir’s Vomiting Santa Sweater


It looks like Santa may have helped himself to a few too many cookies before stepping into his flying saucer this year, or at least that’s what he appears to have done in this whimsical Christmas sweater by Icelandic fiber artist Ýr Jóhannsdóttir!


This sweater is a wonderful example of how appliqué techniques can embellish an existing sweater. A lot of Santa’s features, including his colorful vomit, seem to have been knitted and then attached to the sweater, as well as some clever details, like the individual Christmas light bulbs.



Although this sweater may be a little yucky, as Christmas sweaters go, it does bring up a good point, because maybe someone ought to leave some tums and pepto-bismol out for Santa this year?

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes. http://www.andrewsalomone.com

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