Shawn Wallace is a MAKE contributor, artist, programmer, and editor living in Providence, R.I. He designs open hardware kits at Modern Device and organized the Fab Academy at the Providence Fab Lab. He makes iPhone synthesizers with the Fluxama collective and is a member of the SMT Computing Society.
Twenty years from now, I found a box of old 3D Printer Trading Cards. It turns out 2012 was a great year for 3D printers, driven by an explosion of innovation from individual maker businesses and people sharing their designs, successes, and failures. A lot of these folks are going to be at this weekend’s Bay Area Maker Faire, including the subject of today’s trading card: Printrbot.
If you make 3D Printers (or know someone) who plans to attend, feel free to drop me a line at
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Shawn Wallace is a MAKE contributor, artist, programmer, and editor living in Providence, R.I. He designs open hardware kits at Modern Device and organized the Fab Academy at the Providence Fab Lab. He makes iPhone synthesizers with the Fluxama collective and is a member of the SMT Computing Society.
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