LeBigRep is a monster RepRap capable of building within a 1-meter cube.
Inspired by the RepRap Project, the idea arose of having a machine which could actually produce objects exceeding the dimension of objects produced by desktop fabbing devices as the RepRap, Makerbot, etc.
Imagine printing furniture, sculptures and other life size structures and experimenting with materials which are maybe more useful on a larger scale, like concrete, home-cooked starch plastics, or maybe the leftovers of your cnc-mill mixed with some resin?, etc…
This project is about building a Repstrap kind of machine with a approx. build-envelope of 1m^3, designed with a focus on openness, extensibility and lots of room for experimentation.
Also as this machine is build in a repstrap kind of tradition, the materials used to build it will be easily accessible and comparably cheap..no fancy and expansive t-slot aluminum for now.
[Via Ponoko]