Thingiverse is a robot lover’s dream with its wonderful collection of both decorative but also functional mechanical masterpieces. I have collected a few of my favorites to help you round out your Robot month.
Some of these little guys will require you to break out your soldering iron and practice your programming skills, but don’t worry, a few of them will pop right off your build plate ready to keep you company.
So fire up your fabrication robot and print out a few of these automata to enjoy.
Cute Bots
While a couple of these guys can help you stay organized or tell you the time, they are mostly just fantastic designs that are fun to look at or play with. Who says all of our robot companions need to be vacuuming our floors or racing through mazes?
Real Robots
You are going to need to break out the micro-controllers and stock up on servos if you want to build any of these guys. They would all make a great starting point for your personal robot army though and don’t we all need our own robot army!