This post is coming to you live from Maker Faire Trondheim being held in the town square here in Trondheim, Norway.
The Megakopter, a project of the University of Oslo, has 48 motors with 13-inch propellers. Each engine has over 3 kg of lift capacity, providing enough power to fly with a total weight of up to 150 kg — that’s about 330 lbs — or in other words, enough lift to carry a person.
I talked to Henning Pedersen, from Make a Drone, about the Megakopter and their plans to fly it in Oslo next month, with a passenger on board, and in front of representatives of the Guinness Book for Records.
The Trondheim Maker Faire is being held in the in the Trondheim town square on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th of August — between 10am and 4pm and is free to attend. There will also be seminars, lectures, and other smaller events at other locations throughout the city.