Digital Magic 8 Ball - Make: Digital Magic 8 Ball - Make:

Digital Magic 8 Ball

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Digital Magic 8 Ball
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What will you make today?

By Jason Poel Smith

The Magic 8 Ball is a fun toy that answers yes or no questions in a variety of ways. There are 20 different responses that it can give (10 positive, 5 non-committal, and 5 negative). A different answer is written on each face of a 20 sided die that floats in a blue liquid.

Each time you turn over the 8 ball it randomly displays one of the answers. This can be an amusing way to speculate about life’s many questions, but it lacks versatility. So I decided to augment my Magic 8 Ball with a digital picture keychain. This let me store up to 60 picture responses and I can change them whenever I want. So in this project, I am going to show you how to make a digital picture Magic 8 Ball.

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My name is Jason Poel Smith. I have an undergraduate degree in Engineering that is 50% Mechanical Engineering and 50% Electrical Engineering. I have worked in a variety of industries from hydraulic aerial lifts to aircraft tooling. I currently spend most of my time chasing around my new baby. In my spare time I make the how-to series "DIY Hacks and How Tos."

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