If you’re in Europe Oct 17-20 join us at the MAKE Faire At Euro OSCON! Phil Torrone: computer, portable device, and gadget hacking. Beth Goza: digital crafting in the virtual world. Nick and Dom Ludlam: open source promise.tv and digital TV hacking. Fabienne Serriere: electronics and computer hacks. Ewan Spence: podcasting projects. Ulrika Ek: crafting, linen, and silk screening. Fernando Botelho: open source computer for the blind. Bert Thomas: electronic gadget hacking. Melissa Coleman and Nadya Peek: spatial awareness with tactile feedback. Usman Haque and Adam Somlai-Fischer: low-tech sensors and actuators. Roger Ibars: self-made objects. Mark Hoekstra: master the stuff around you. Jo Walsh and Schuyler Erle: cutting-edge OS GIS and open geodata work. Link. Use this code (euos05makr) to get 25% off the conference.