By Heather Hudak
Adding a fresh vegetable juice to your daily routine is a terrific way to gently begin to detoxify your system. Fresh juice contains an abundance of nutrients that will energize your body, build your health, and help you fight disease. Scientists are now showing that the phytonutrients found in plants may be even more important for our health than vitamins and minerals. Without these life-giving substances, found primarily in vegetable and fruit, our immune systems weaken and we become subject to imbalance. So what are you waiting for? Get Juicy!
Miracle Detox Juice Recipes
Version 1
1 apple
4 carrots
1 small beet
1/2″ ginger to taste
Version 2
1 apple
4 carrots
1 small beet
1/2″ ginger to taste
2 bunches of Russian kale
Beautifying Juice
1 apple
4 celery stalks
1/2 cucumber
Lemon to taste
Kidney-Cleansing Juice
1/2 pear
1/2 cucumber
4 celery stalks
2 handfuls dandelion greens
1/2″ ginger
Lemon to taste
Juice Drinking Tips: It may sound a bit odd, but it’s a good practice to actually “chew” rather than “drink” your juice. Take a small mouthful and simply go through the motions of chewing it. This practice mixes the fresh juice with your saliva, aiding digestion and making the juices more easily assimilated into your system. Also, be sure to “chew” your juice as soon as possible after juicing to be certain you taking in all the vital enzymes it has to offer!
About the Author:
Heather Hudak resides in San Francisco with her husband Jim and dog Gello. Heather is a Health & Wellness Consultant whose mission is improving the world by supporting true beauty through vibrant nutrition and balance, one person at a time. Learn more about living your own true beauty by visiting Heather’s blog at