Homemade "Cthulhumas" Cookies | Make: Homemade "Cthulhumas" Cookies | Make:

Homemade “Cthulhumas” Cookies

Craft & Design Food & Beverage
Homemade “Cthulhumas” Cookies


H.P. Lovecrafter Maika diabolically repurposed an octopus cookie cutter to create a legion of Cthulhu Christmas cookies, which she was compelled to share with with her friends and loved ones.

At first it just sounded like wind in the trees, but beneath that there’s the guttural whisper of an ancient voice saying “Into the kitchen with you, there’s unspeakable baking to be done.” Now my throat is sore from the endless chanting, my clothing and hair covered in flour, sugar, slime and soot (don’t ask), and I can’t remember the last time I slept through the night, but I wouldn’t dare complain. The Great Old Ones demanded Cthulhumas cookies, so cookies I did make. So very many cookies.


Maika used a brownie roll-out cookies recipe for her malevolent mixture, and her deviant decorations included icing with green food coloring and cinnamon imperials for the eyes. So, if you happen to have an octopus-shaped cookie cutter of your own, you’ll know what to do if you feel yourself being called the kitchen this holiday season!

[via that’s nerdalicious]

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes. http://www.andrewsalomone.com

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