Recipe: Honey Barbecue Ribs - Make: Recipe: Honey Barbecue Ribs - Make:

Recipe: Honey Barbecue Ribs

Food & Beverage

In the Kitchen

By Andrew Lewis
Sometimes, the simplest recipes are the best. These succulent pork ribs are great at barbecues and can be served cold at picnics, yet they only take a few minutes to prepare. Although this recipe calls for pork ribs, the marinade works equally well on belly draft, pork chops, chicken wings, or even Quorn fillets.

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Honeyribs Ingredients


2 tablespoons honey
2 teaspoons 5 spice seasoning
2 teaspoons dried parsley
2 teaspoons soy sauce
1 sheet pork ribs


Step 1: Preheat your oven to 425°. Cut the pork into individual ribs.
Step 2: Mix the honey, parsley, five spice seasoning, and soy in a cup or bowl.
Honeyribs Step3
Step 3: Coat the ribs in the marinade and leave the pork to rest for at least 2 hours.
Step 4: Place the ribs in an oven-safe pan and cook for approximately 45 minutes. Turn and baste occasionally during cooking.
Step 5: Increase the temperature to 475° for a further 10 minutes. This will help to caramelize the tips of the ribs.
Honeyribs Finished
Step 6: Serve your ribs on a bed of turmeric rice, with a choice of barbecue, lime, and chilli dipping sauces.
Note: If you are using Quorn, reduce the cooking time to 15 minutes and preheat the oven to 475°.
About the Author:
Andrew Lewis is a journalist, a maker, an ardent victophile, and the founder of the blog. He is currently studying for a PhD. in archaeometrics and 3D scanning at the University of Wolverhampton.

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