Perry sent us a link to his latest project, the “AcceLED Pong”. The game runs on an Atmel ATMEGA32 AVR Micro-controller. The AVR read an Analog Devices ADXL203 2-Axis Accelerometer, which controls the movement of the paddle. You can download the source code on his website. [Thanks Perry]
AcceLED Pong is a simple project I whipped up while playing with a 2-axis accelerometer from Analog Devices. The ADXL203 is hooked up to an Atmel ATMEGA32 chip that processes the data and controls a red/green LED matrix from Sparkfun.
The game is controlled by tilting the board left and right to move the paddle. The computer is a bit braindead–I didn’t want the AI so good that I couldn’t beat it.
More about AcceLED Pong: Accelerometer Controlled Pong