Still looking for that diabolical prank for April Fools’ Day? Maybe these cool tricks will inspire you.
Matthew Weathers pranked his class by video taping his own shadow and
having it misbehave during the lecture.
Yaakov wrote a Perl script that changed the “READY” message on his printer to “
Make: Projects author Jason Poel Smith built this
555-controlled noisemaker that is concealed near a friend or co-worker and beeps occasionally to drive him or her mental.
Instructable user photos built this prank — a noisemaker that
activates when picked up and can’t be shut off without smashing it!
Glue some packing peanuts to sheets of cardboard to convince the vacationing coworker that his or her
office has been filled with peanuts. It would be an even better prank to actually do it.
If you want to learn more, reference the following links:
Good luck, and be sure to send in your pranks from 4/1 and we’ll post the best of them!
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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal
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