Balsa wood airplanes - Make: Balsa wood airplanes - Make:

Balsa wood airplanes

Fun & Games
Balsa wood airplanes

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From the the NYC Toy fair 2008 — Guillow has been making balsa wood planes since 1926, just about everyone I know has made one of these at some point in their life or have bought them for their kids. The blue rubber bands, the red propellers, these bring back a lot of memories – it was great to see not much has changed for over half a century, they’re still popular. They also have complete lines of model planes and foam flyers, out of all the toy makers I think the crowd was the biggest around Guillows, not for demos but men and women talking about how they all grew up on these planes.

(Made is USA!)


  • Guillows – Link.
  • More photos of Guillows @ Flickr – Link.
  • Giant set of NYC Toy fair 2008 photos @ Flickr – Link.
  • MAKE’s coverage of the NYC Toy Faire 2008 in one place! – Link.

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