Casting Custom Rims For Power Racing Series Cars - Make: Casting Custom Rims For Power Racing Series Cars - Make:

Casting Custom Rims For Power Racing Series Cars

CNC & Machining Fun & Games
Casting Custom Rims For Power Racing Series Cars


Those who have already experienced the Power Racing Series will immediately understand that no part of these cars could possibly stand up to the abuse that is dished out. If you’re unfamiliar, you can get a taste on the video below from the Kansas City Maker Faire. In short, people are modifying and racing these tiny electric cars much harder than they were ever intended to withstand. Though many have already been modified and upgraded to the point that they are speed demon monstrosities that only vaguely resemble where they started, they are still always finding weak points.

This adorable story, written by Tom Gralewicz of the Milwaukee Maker Space, takes us through the process of trying to keep the tires in one piece through an entire race.

The problem with the tires on most of these tiny cars is that they, and the hubs they are mounted to, simply were never meant for this kind of abuse. While you can fairly easily find better tires, hubs are a different story. The folks at the maker space have approached this by casting their own custom aluminum hubs from scrap!


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I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity I see in makers. My favorite thing in the world is sharing a maker's story. find me at

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