Toronto-based maker Gus Dassios’ Dice Popper project gives me flashbacks of hours spent playing Trouble back in the day. There’s just something so satisfying about pushing the plastic bubble and watching the dice tumble. Gus shared his super simple how-to on the pages of MAKE Volume 33, and you can check it out on Make: Projects. The hardest part of the build is finding the perfect vending machine capsule, about 2″ diameter and 1⅞” tall. The rest is basically cutting a few pieces of wood to house the bubble and nailing it all together. The best part is then you can make up your own games to go with it.
P.S. I love the project illustrations Julie West has been doing for us!
MAKE Volume 33: Software for Makers
In our special Codebox section you’ll learn about software of interest to makers, including circuit board design, 3D CAD and printing, microcontrollers, and programming for kids. And you’ll meet fascinating makers, like the maniacs behind the popular Power Wheels Racing events at Maker Faire. You’ll get 22 great DIY projects like the Optical Tremolo guitar effect, “Panjolele” cake-pan ukelele, Wii Nunchuk Mouse, CNC joinery tricks, treat-dispensing cat scratching post, brewing sake, and more.