HOW TO - Run homebrew on the Nintendo DS Lite - Make: HOW TO - Run homebrew on the Nintendo DS Lite - Make:

HOW TO – Run homebrew on the Nintendo DS Lite

Fun & Games
HOW TO – Run homebrew on the Nintendo DS Lite

Leonard has a short overview on getting homebrew apps and more running on the Nintendo DS – “To be able to run homebrews, emulators, backups and the like, you’ll need two things. First you need a passkey to boot into DS mode. The latest and greatest is the Max Media Launcher, which replaces the older bulky passkeys with a DS cart sized (but non-reprogrammable) replacement. (You can subsequently go through a flashing process (link to FlashMe to bypass the need for a key, but it seems like sort of a bad idea for the DS Lite at the moment). In any case, I bought mine for $26 shipped from the UK.” [via] – Link.

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