Lego Strandbeest - Make: Lego Strandbeest - Make:

Lego Strandbeest

Craft & Design Fun & Games
Lego Strandbeest

I love kvanb’s Lego recreation of Theo Jansen’s Rhinoceros Strandbeest mobile sculpture. Jansen even approved the model, and it was up on CUUSOO for possible realization as an official Lego product.

Theo Jansen is a Dutch Kinetic Artist and famous around the world for his Strandbeests. Theo is also my friend and colleague, and I’m happy to say he likes and supports this scale model of one of his nicest sculptures, the Rhinoceros.

It’s built close to the proportions of Theo’s beests, including a close approximation of Theo’s 19 measurements which define the shape and walk of the legs. The back features a hidden hand-grip to make transportation easier. Of course with tiny Theo Jansen figurine!

[via Brothers Brick]

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal

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