So close, but so far :(
I know that other drivers and development software for Kinect are available on the Web. Can I use the Kinect sensor device with these other drivers or software instead of the SDK Beta?
No. Use of the Kinect sensor device is subject to its own warranty and software license agreement that allow you to use it solely in connection with an Xbox 360 or Xbox 360 S console. Only Microsoft can grant you the additional rights that you need to use the Kinect sensor device with a personal computer. Microsoft grants these additional rights in the SDK Beta license, but only for uses of the Kinect sensor device in connection with the SDK Beta. If you use the Kinect sensor with a platform other than Xbox 360, Xbox 360 S, or Windows (with the SDK Beta), you void the warranty you received when you purchased the Kinect sensor device.
Microsoft will void your warranty if you use open source drivers, Microsoft has been responsive about all the wonderful Kinect hacks and community – let’s hope they change this. Right now I don’t see why most folks would use the Micrsoft SDK, you can only have non-commercial use and it’s silly to say the warranty is void if you use(d) other drivers. It’s like saying my Microsoft mouse is voided because it’s plugged in to a linux box.