Recumbent Roundup - Make: Recumbent Roundup - Make:

Recumbent Roundup

Bikes Fun & Games
Recumbent Roundup

Chuck From “Chuck’s No-Weld Recumbent Bike.” Because riding a recumbent means you have to smile like that:)

As with tall bikes a few weeks ago, I’ve just hit my tipping point with recumbents: there are now too many high-quality how-to’s on this most aerodynamic style of bike to avoid adding it to my project list. A central dividing question seems to be “to weld, or not to weld?”

Some of the no-weld variants:

And, those pulling out their TIGs:

Not challenging enough? I’d love an open-source version of the Transformation Trike:

Happy extremely-low-coefficient-of-drag cycling!

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Luke Iseman

Luke Iseman makes stuff, some of which works. He invites you to drive a bike for a living (, stop killing your garden (, and live in an off-grid shipping container (

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