As with tall bikes a few weeks ago, I’ve just hit my tipping point with recumbents: there are now too many high-quality how-to’s on this most aerodynamic style of bike to avoid adding it to my project list. A central dividing question seems to be “to weld, or not to weld?”
Some of the no-weld variants:
- No welding, done in a few spare hours” (supposedly)
- Mother Earth News’ acccount of a conversion: “The $18 Recumbent Bicycle”
- This recumbent incorporates wood and claims no irreversible changes to the underlying bike need occur
- A “front wheel drive center steer semi recumbent bicycle” that supposedly can be constructed without a welder or even power tools
And, those pulling out their TIGs:
- A long-wheelbase low racer recumbent bicycle: looks pretty slick!
- A kid’s version, by the same author as above
- EZ Clone 1 and other advanced recumbent plans
Not challenging enough? I’d love an open-source version of the Transformation Trike:
Happy extremely-low-coefficient-of-drag cycling!